Kamal Ratan Private Industrial Training Institute, Jaipur

Trades Affiliated to NCVT & SCVT

Name of the Trade No. of Units Shifts Running 1 Shifts Running 2 Shifts Running 3 Seating Capacity per Unit Total Seating Capacity Affiliation Date DGET Order

Summary of Trades Affiliated to NCVT

Trade Name Shift intake capacity 1 Shift intake capacity 2 Shift intake capacity 3 Total No. of Units DGET order no. Document
Mechanic Diesel 2 2 0 4 DGET-6/20/255/2014-TC
Fitter 1 1 0 2 DGET-6/20/255/2014-TC
Electrician 4 4 0 8 DGET-6/20/255/2014-TC
Mechanic (Motor Vehcile) 1 1 - 2 DGET-6/20/2552014-TC

Summary of Trades Affiliated to SCVT

Trade Name> Shift intake capacity 1 Shift intake capacity 2 Shift intake capacity 3 Total No. of Units Remark